Introduction to 121 Discipleship

Making Jesus Known, in Barlanark and beyond:
Proclaiming the Gospel
• Making disciples
• Living in Community

This is our vision as a church. We want to Know Jesus, and Make Jesus Known.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…”
Matthew 28:19

As a church, we are committed to making disciples because Jesus has sent us to do so. A disciple is a Christian, a follower of Jesus, someone who knows Jesus. So, discipleship is growing to know Jesus more.

John Piper says this about discipleship:

“People need to become Christians and people need to be taught how to think and feel and act as a Christian. That is, a disciple, a follower of Jesus, one who embraces him as Lord and Saviour and Treasure."

Discipleship is about learning how to live for Jesus, in our thoughts, feelings and actions.

“Churches don’t need programs so much as they need cultures of discipling, cultures where each member prioritises the spiritual health of others.”
Mark Dever

Discipleship in its simple form looks like a church loving each other and helping each other follow Jesus.

In Hope Community Church Barlanark we want to have a culture of discipleship, a culture of love and care for each member, helping each other to know Jesus, and make Him known.

“By helping each other become more like Jesus as we love one another, confess our sins to one another and challenge, encourage, build up and serve one another.”
HCCB :: ‘How We Will Live’

One way can try to be intentional about this is by 121s. Our hope is that as many of our members as possible pursue a 121 relationship – a commitment to meet regularly with another person to help each other grow in Jesus.

To do that, we’d suggest there are three key parts:

1) Bible :: God’s Word together
2) Accountability :: Our Lives together
3) Prayer :: Talk to Jesus together

It may look different in each 121 relationship.

The Bible element might be as simple as sharing some verses that have encouraged each other, or it may be studying a passage more deeply.

Accountability may mean talking at length about specific life circumstances, or using certain questions to examine our hearts more deeply.

Prayer may be brief and through tears, or may be long and conversational.

To help us all think a wee bit more about discipleship, and 121s in particular, here’s some ideas, and we’ll share some more pointers over the next few days.

• Discuss the previous sermon – use the application questions on the handout.
• Share a passage, or verse, that God has used to speak to you.
• Study a book of the Bible together.
• Use the Swedish Method Bookmarks
• Share specific circumstances you are facing in your life.
• Use accountability cards
• Pray the Bible – use what you’ve discussed to shape your prayers
• Ask for prayer for specific issues you are wrestling with.
• Take note of what you’ve prayed for – commit to pray specifically and regularly for each other.

Questions to consider?
• Are you part of a 121?
• If you are, what is it like? If not, who could you maybe ask to join you for a 121?
• How can we deepen relationships so that we can grow as disciples of Jesus?