Love So Amazing :: A Fresh Start

Day 40: A Fresh Start

“Don’t be alarmed,” he told them. “You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.”
Mark 16:6

Winter months can be dark, dreary and depressing, but spring is always a fresh start. Often the first few months of the year can be hard, with short days and rubbish weather, and this year we’ve had the extra load of being in lockdown. But Spring is here, seemingly dead plants are showing signs of life, the days are getting longer the weather is getting a little bit better (although we do live in Scotland…), and we’re hopefully starting to come out of lockdown. It feels like a fresh start is on the horizon.

For Jesus’ followers, the world may have felt dark, dreary and depressing after his crucifixion. But a fresh start was on the horizon. On the third day after Jesus’ death, some women went to his tomb with oils and spices for embalming his corpse. It’s hard to imagine the depth of their grief and the memories in their minds as they woke early that morning.

As they approached, they wondered how they might move the huge rock that guarded the tomb, but as they got closer, they looked up and saw it had already shifted. Entering the tomb, they were met by an angel who gave an earth-shattering announcement, that would change the course of history.

“He has risen! He is not here.”

The dazzling young man invited them to see where his body had lain, but sent them to share the good news with the disciples and promised that they would see Jesus again!

It’s no surprise that they ran from the tomb shaking and overwhelmed. Everything had changed. Nothing would ever be the same again. All the pain and sorrow of the last few days was now met with excitement, anticipation, confusion and fear. We know from the other gospels that they did indeed go and share the news, and they did indeed see Jesus again! It was the ultimate fresh start.

There’s much about life in this world that can leave us feeling dark, dreary and depressed. Even good things come and go as life cycles around through different seasons. But Jesus is alive, and he rose to guarantee that those who trust in him can know an eternal fresh start. We can know something of that now, and find hope, meaning, purpose and security in knowing Jesus. One day we’ll know the fullest, truest, sweetest fresh start. Until Jesus returns, death will be the doorway to perfect new life. Every spring, every plant that buds into life, every new dawn, is a reminder that one day, those who trust in Jesus will live in a new world. He will wipe each tear, he will make all things new, and he will live with his people.

If you’ve not yet trusted Jesus, find an eternal fresh start today by turning from sin and finding new life in him. Then, each morning, we wake knowing that while this world can be dark, dreary and depressing, we have a hope that we live for a new world where we’ll live with our king. Let’s set our heads and our hearts there today.

Passage for today: Mark 16:1-8

A thought to remember: Jesus is alive, and his people will live with him eternally.

A question to ask: What difference does an eternal fresh start make to you today?

A song to sing: Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery