Love So Amazing :: The Big Issue

Day 4: The Big Issue

But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he told the paralytic— “I tell you: get up, take your mat, and go home.”
Mark 2:10-11

I wonder how many people have gone to the doctor with a minor complaint, only to be told they have a major illness. What you thought was just sore joints was an autoimmune disease. What you thought was a cough turns out to be a debilitating respiratory condition. What you thought was just a headache was a tumour.

The initial news from the doctor would be devastating. There would be questions, fears and emotions rushing around. It might be tough news to accept and process. But the reality is that when the correct diagnosis is given, there is more hope that the bigger issue can be dealt with.

Four mates carried their paralysed friend to Jesus. They had heard Jesus was going around healing folk, so hoped he could bring life back to their friend. They get to the house where Jesus is teaching, and it’s packed out. But that doesn’t put them off. Up to the roof they go, and with a bit of digging they make a hole and lower their friend down. They went some length to get him to Jesus, and now they wait to see Jesus do his thing and heal him.

“Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Probably not what anyone was expecting, or even wanting Jesus to say. I wonder how the paralysed guy felt being told that? Had Jesus just missed the elephant in the room?

Jesus saw the bigger issue though, and in one short sentence gave both the diagnosis and the cure. This lad was paralysed, but his deeper issue was that he was dead inside. His body was failing him here and now, but his sinful heart would fail him for all eternity. He was heading to hell. So, Jesus forgave his sin and gave him unending new life. He was now heading for a beautiful, perfect, glorious eternity with Jesus where he’d have a new body and never be plagued by physical issues again.

But that kicked up a storm. Jesus knew folk doubted and were even offended by him proclaiming the forgiveness of sin, only God could do that. So, to show he was legit, he proved his authority by telling the lad to get up and walk. And he did! No longer bound by paralysis, he could roll up his mat and walk off into the sunset…

Each and every day we face any number of difficulties, and it’s good and right that we take it all to the Lord in prayer. But our deepest, biggest issue this side of eternity will always be our own sin.

That’s hard to hear, particularly when many of us face real suffering and hardship. It’s not that Jesus doesn’t care about that suffering though. He cares enough to deal with it eternally. If he didn’t go to the cross and bear God’s wrath, there would never be any hope that suffering would come to an end. If he didn’t make a way for sinners to be saved, nobody would be able to enjoy eternity with him. Instead, we’d spend eternity bearing God’s wrath ourselves. But he went to the cross, and he did deal with sin.

We still deal with living in a fallen world, filled with sin and suffering. We may be victims in this fallen world, but our only eternal hope is to be forgiven for our own sin. The only hope we have of enjoying life in this fallen world is to know our sin has been dealt with so that we can know Jesus.

Today, while we face any number of challenging circumstances, let’s examine ourselves and see our biggest issue. Where are we living in pride, or bitterness? Where do we let jealousy or selfishness creep in? Where are we not trusting God, but living in unbelief? It’s all in our hearts and, if left unchecked, will dominate our desires and minds.

When we see our biggest sin issues, we can find freedom as we confess it and trust in Jesus. Then we’ll be able to deal with whatever circumstances we find ourselves in a little bit better. Let’s encourage each other to confess and run from sin, and find freedom knowing Jesus has given new life.

Passage for today: Mark 2:1-12

A thought to remember: The biggest issue mankind will ever face is our own sinful hearts.

A question to ask: Do you live as if your biggest issue is your own sin?

A song to sing: Jesus Paid It All