O Come Let Us Adore Him :: Day 10

Then Herod secretly summoned the wise men and asked them the exact time the star appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. When you find him, report back to me so that I too can go and worship him.” After hearing the king, they went on their way. And there it was—the star they had seen at its rising. It led them until it came and stopped above the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overwhelmed with joy. Matthew 2:7-10

“Do you feel Christmassy yet?!”

Each year Christmas comes around there will be certain things that make us ‘feel’ like it’s Christmas.

Putting up the tree and the decorations.

The kids opening their presents on Christmas morning.

Listening to Christmas music.

The rare occasion we get snow in December.

It could be that we go through the whole festive seasons without every really feeling Christmassy though. But what is that Christmassy feeling?!

I think it’s a joy. A deep feeling of happiness and emotions coming together. It’s probably a mix of a ton of things in our heads and hearts. Nostalgia, traditions, relationships, memories & hopes combine with our current circumstances to hit a sweet spot of joy.

Wouldn’t it be sweet if those moments lasted though?

At the first Christmas, a few wise men travelled hundreds of miles to search for a child they had been anticipating. They’d been watching the skies, and knew that one particular star signalled that the child was here. They saddled up their camels and set off. They stopped off at the local monarch, but eventually the star stopped above the right place.

They saw the star and were overwhelmed with joy.

The ESV translates it as ‘they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.’

That’s a whole lotta joy.

That’s Christmas feels on a whole other level.

Why was there so much joy at seeing a star though? It’s not that it in itself was particularly great, although stars are amazing!

They were overwhelmed with joy because the star meant they had found the baby, the king that they had been searching for. It was a moment where memories, history, hard work and hopes had come together. They felt the sweetest joy.

That joy can still be found. It can be found in knowing the true king. It can be found in knowing the sovereign ruler and bowing to his reign as king.

There is so much joy to be found in knowing and serving king Jesus. So many sweet moments of joy. But even they are only a taste of what is to come for the Christian.

One day Jesus will return, He’ll bring His Kingdom in it’s fullness, and there will be eternal, lasting joy.

O Come Let Us Adore Him!

A thought to remember: Jesus is the king who brings real, deep and lasting joy.

A question to ask: How is Jesus better than any temporary joys you might have at Christmas?

A bit more to read: Matthew 2:1-12

A song to sing: Joy to the World