Sermons by Pete Stewart
John 8:31-59| BELIEVE... and be FREE indeed.
1) Know who we are(v33-47)... 2) Know who Jesus is(v48-59).. 3) Show it by how we live(v31-32).. -
John 8: 1-30| BELIEVE... Jesus is the light of the world
1) The light of the world... 2) The darkness of the world... -
John 7:14-52| BELIEVE... Jesus was sent by God.
1) Some divide from Jesus... 2) Some believe in Jesus... -
Revelation 3:1-6 | The Letter to the Church at Sardis
1) Living for OUR name... 2) Living for CHRIST’S name... -
Luke 1 | Doubt and Praise (The Birth of John)
1) Waiting... 2) Doubting... 3) Praising...
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